Types > VariantInventoryCreate
Commerce APITypesVariantInventoryCreate


Topic: Inventory


add: Int

Amount of items to add to inventory (can be negative to subtract items)

Example: 5

bin_location: String

Physical location of the inventory item in a shops warehouse

Example: "Level 3 Shelf 14 A"

Valid when: bin_location's length doesn't exceed 30 characters

inventory_location_id: String!

Unique inventory location identifier. See also: Unique Identifiers

Example: "il_EQzGqWoY"

Valid when: inventory_location_id matches regexp pattern: ^il_

low_stock_level: Int

Low stock level (if non-zero, when to notify shop owner about low stock level)

Example: 50

Valid when: low_stock_level is a non-negative integer

set: Int

Amount of items to set inventory to

Example: 5

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