Types > ShopSettings
Commerce APITypesShopSettings


Topic: Shops


achievements: Achievements!

address_verification: Boolean!

Whether to verify shipping addresses on paid orders

Example: false

address_verification_auto: Boolean!

Whether to automatically apply shipping address verification result to shipping address

Example: false

auto_close: Boolean!

Automatically close completed orders (fulfilled/paid)

Example: false

auto_fulfill: Boolean!

Automatically fulfill digital items of captured orders

Example: false

auto_reserve_subscription: Boolean!

Whether subscriptions should automatically reserve scheduled fulfillments or not

Example: false

billing_address: Address!

Billing address of the shop

consistent_prices: Boolean!

Whether to keep prices consistent across borders (only relevant for tax inclusive prices)

Example: true

created_at: String!

The date and time when the shop was created, RFC 3339 format

Example: "2014-09-04T12:23:34Z"

Timestamp (RFC 3339)

custom_invoice_text: String!

Additional text to add to a shop billing invoice

customer_can_pause_subscription: Boolean!

Whether customer is allowed to pause subscriptions

Example: true

customer_can_skip_subscription: Boolean!

Whether customer is allowed to skip subscription ticks

Example: true

customer_oauth_providers: [CustomerOAuthProvider!]!

OAuth2 providers for customer auth

customer_service_email: String!

This address is mentioned in emails sent to customers

Example: "iwanbk-shop@apple.com"

default_payment_method: PaymentMethod

Default payment method


Permission bit: "shop_payment_method.read"

default_tax_rule: TaxRule

Default tax rule


Permission bit: "tax_rules.read"

features: ShopSettingsFeatures!

gift_card_enabled: Boolean!

Whether gift cards are enabled or not (not available on Micro)

Example: false

gift_card_expiration_seconds: Int

If not null, created gift cards will expire after given amount of seconds

Example: 86400

implicit_languages: [InfoLanguage]

Implicit languages shop works with (e.g. if shop contians en-AU, en becomes an implicit language)


indirect: Boolean!

Whether shop was created indirectly for a client

Example: false

industry: ShopIndustry!

Industry this shop belongs to

Example: "art_and_craft_supplies"

invoice_due_date_days: Int!

Default invoice due date days to add when sending invoice

Example: 7

language: InfoLanguage

Primary language of the shop


languages: [InfoLanguage]

Languages shop works with (you can override many text fields with language-specific variants)


name: String!

Name of the shop

Example: "Apple Computers"

notification_email: String!

All shop notifications will be sent to this email

Example: "john@smith.com"

notifications: ShopSettingsNotifications!

on_hold_order_window_minutes: Int!

When order is on hold, customer can cancel the order and shop owner cannot fulfill the order

order_risk_cancel_threshold: Float

Automatically cancel orders with risk score higher than this number (if non-null)

Example: 0.70

order_risk_warning_threshold: Float

Notify shop owner about orders with risk score higher than this number (if non-null)

Example: 0.15

password: String

Password used for shop password protection (cannot be disabled while in trial period)

Example: "unicorn"

password_message: String

Message displayed on a "password" page when password protection is on


Example: "Will be opening soon..."

previous_service: ShopPreviousService!

Shop's previous service prior to registeration

Example: "none"

product_review_enabled: Boolean!

Whether product reviews are enabled or not (not available on Micro)

Example: false

reindexed_at: String

The date and time when shop was last reindexed

Example: "2014-09-04T12:23:34Z"

Timestamp (RFC 3339)

reindexing_status: ReindexingStatus!

Search reindexing status

Example: "done"

revenue: ShopRevenue!

Revenue of the shop prior to registeration

Example: "from_50000_to_80000"

round_tax_at: RoundTaxAt!

At what level the tax should be rounded

Example: "jurisdiction"

send_abandoned_email_after_seconds: Int!

When customer abandons an order, notify him after that period of time

Example: 54346

send_abandoned_email_min_price: Int!

Minimum order price to send abandoned order email for

Example: 0

sender_email: String!

This address will be used as From for all emails sent to customers and suppliers

Example: "no-reply@apple.com"

shipping_tax_class: String

Tax class used for tax selection when 'shipping_tax_method' is 'custom'

shipping_tax_method: ShippingTaxMethod!

Method that is used to calculate shipping tax

Example: "highest"

shop_address: Address!

Address of the shop

start_number: Int!

Starting number for orders

Example: 1000

subscription: ShopSettingsSubscription!

subscription_retries_schedule: [Int!]!

Custom retry schedule in days if subscription fails, use default if empty

subscription_retries_schedule_daily: [Int!]!

Custom retry schedule in hours if daily subscription fails, use default if empty

subtotal_includes_tax: Boolean!

Whether subtotal includes tax or not (only affects display, not the API's "subtotal")

Example: false

tax_based_on: TaxBasedOn!

Tax calculation should be based on

Example: "customer_shipping_address"

tax_inclusive_prices: Boolean!

True if prices are tax inclusive, false if exclusive

Example: false

tax_label: String!

How the tax line is displayed. E.g. "Tax" or "Sale Tax"

Example: "Sale Tax"

timezone: String!

Name of the time zone the shop is in

Example: "(GMT-05:00) Eastern Time"

tips_enabled: Boolean!

Whether tipping orders is enabled or not

Example: false

tips_max: Int!

Maximum amount for tips in shop's default currency, the default is 1000 in major currency unit (e.g. 1000 USD)

Example: 1000

tips_presets: [Float!]!

Tipping presets, must be valid percentages

tips_variant: ProductVariant

Product variant to be used as "tips" line item


Permission bit: "product_variants.read"

trial: Boolean!

True if shop is in trial period

Example: true

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