Types > File
Commerce APITypesFile


Topic: Files


crc32: Int!

CRC32 checksum of the original file

Example: 34539485

created_at: String!

The date and time when the file was created, RFC 3339 format

Example: "2014-09-04T12:23:34Z"

Timestamp (RFC 3339)

id: String!

A unique file identifier

Example: "fi_EQzGqWoY"

image_alt: String!

Alt title of the image

image_color: String!

Average color of the image

Example: "#ffffff"

image_duration: Int!

Duration of the video in milliseconds if file is a video

Example: 0

image_fallback: String!

Base64 miniature of the image suitable for inline rendering (webp file format)

Example: "UklGRrIFAABXRUJQVlA4IKYFAADQGACdASqAAC8AAMAUJYwDDaD295z4Jt/bwTtvB4uWTO7zj5N10H8J/GN679s+W/EU+Q/fL8zxezK/x/nvprchPozaLvrH2DTI2qUzsmTZ+wSHmKgrtkTks767dPgH+xctt/1jugOVBlJNqpxI"

image_height: Int!

Height of the image if file is an image

Example: 0

image_width: Int!

Width of the image if file is an image

Example: 0

imported_from_task: ShardedTask

Task this file is/was processed by


is_binary: Boolean!

Is file a binary? (images are always binary)

Example: false

is_image: Boolean!

Is file an image?

Example: false

is_owned: Boolean!

Whether this file is owned by something

Example: false

is_uploaded: Boolean!

Was file uploaded?

Example: true

is_video: Boolean!

Is file a video?

Example: false

md5: String!

MD5 hash of the original file

Example: "00f6f616227c8f68c76f4c01de026dbf"

mime: String!

MIME type of the file

Example: "plain/text"

name: String!

Human-friendly name of the file

Example: "abc.txt"

path: String!

Internal storage path of the file

Example: "sh_EQzGqWoY/fi_EQzGqWoY/abc.txt"

pinned: Boolean!

Whether file is pinned or not

Example: false

public_url: String!

Publically available CDN URL of a file

Example: "https://cdn.lana.dev/sh_EQzGqWoY/fi_EQzGqWoY/image.jpg"

size: String!

Size of the file in bytes (string, because graphql is limited to int32)

Example: "0"

storage: FileStorage!

File storage type

Example: "general"

temp_path: String!

Internal path of the file in temporary storage, used internally, had to be exposed

Example: "sh_EQzGqWoY/550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000"

Used By


filesCreate, filesModify, filesUploaded


files, filesLookup


Activity, Blog, BlogRevision, Brand, BrandingField, Category, ContentBlock, CustomFieldObjects, FileExpandableItems, FilePage, FileSearchResult, MediaFile, Product, ProductReview, ProductVariant, Return, ShardedTask, ShardedTaskCSVImportInfo, SupportArticle, UnifiedSearchResult

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