Shops > Shops > shopsCreate
Commerce APIShopsShopsshopsCreate


Create a new shop.

Even though API takes array as body, creating only one shop at a time is allowed. API looks like that for consistency reasons.

Topic: Shops


data: [ShopCreate!]!

Main argument for mutations.

shop_id: String

Unique shop identifier. See also: Unique Identifiers

Example: "sh_EQzGqWoY"

Data Argument Fields

app_domain: String

Shop's sub-domain, must be unique

Example: "apple"

currency: String

Currency code

Example: "USD"

language: String

name: String!

Name of the shop

Example: "Apple Computers"

Valid when: name is not empty

notification_email: String

Email for shop notifications

Example: ""

Valid when: notification_email's length doesn't exceed 250 characters

plan_id: String

Unique identifier for the subscription plan a customer is on

Example: "Medium"

shop_address: AddressCreate!

Address of the shop

test: Boolean

Whether shop is in test mode or not

Example: false



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